Total potential cost to be saved (Monthly):$ / Month
Total potential cost to be saved (Annually):$ / Year
Potential in-house server costs (Every 4-6 years):$
Potential in-house server costs (Annually):$ / Year
Employee or Your Hourly Rate
Time Spent on Data Backup
Time Spent Solving Printing Issues
Time Spent Patching & Updating Software
Time Spent Solving IT Issues
Hours Lost Due to Downtime
Variable Startup Costs
Variable Annual Costs
A more efficient and productive workplace can be created by extending your IT with Welcome Networks and our cloud solutions. The total above can be removed while also creating a more flexible work environment that does not bring you any IT headaches.
$ /year can then be allocated to your assets, employees, clients, software, marketing and much more to further increase your ROI
Annual expenses – On-Premise vs Cloud
This is a graphical representation for the expenses when operating with an on-premise or cloud environment. The numbers are based on an accounting firm with 10 users and with the factors relating to the annual expenses. It must be noted that every firm’s requirements are different and the costs will vary with different business model.